Conceptualism -- Metaphor, Myth, Reality
A cold, wet grey blanket sweeps across the marsh upon northwest winds of impending change.....It is
late in the afternoon and birds scurry to the safety of their shelters, heads facing into the wind...........the animal population
simply "hunkers" down......Such is the blast from the frigid north...The winds play a dark melody through the trees.....the
reeds......the grasses.........That incessant howling........Often brutal, this period of dormancy(appearances)........but
part of that much grander cycle..........Yes........The richness of it...........
Post Contemporary--Art Of The Future
Abstract Expressionism--Icon And Myth
Contemporary Abstract Art - A Natural Following Of Events
It is so fragile...........this.................necessity
Are we creating new myths?..........or..........simply reinventing old ones?............
Recent Study-- Conceptual Artist |
Silent Perspectives -- Art And Environment
Abstract Art - Non Objective Painting
The Single Leaf
Look at It
Its' veins..........And striations.............
Its' truly remarkable identity
Its' colors
Its' glorious resonance
And Function
It is not impermanent........But forever
It breathes for the eternities
And they are many
Of Now
Look within its' structure........past the venation........and light
Become part of its' structure........
Floating about effortlessly amidst its' sustaining waters.....
Be cooled by its' tranquil touch
It whispers to the Eons
Its' Secret is Your Secret
It Is You
And You Are It
A Single Tree (Earth Day)
Old myths are no longer working.......New myths must be invented
Art And Evolution
Lyricism? Expressionism? Kineticism?
Do you think the music will ever stop?
The trill of the bird voiced tree frog
Moving......moving to the sound of the seasons
The song of mornings first sentinel....
cardinal........greeting the red dawn of uncertainty
The echo of the Myotis
The splendid children of the Sea
Scaled warriors and mighty toads
Insect drones and staccato fugues
Nocturnal strings
The quiet of noon
All........upon............the cry of a whispered wave
Recurrent dreams and remembered ideals.......
The reluctance of chance and sorrier fates......
But do you recall........remember..........the hazards?
Just what is the magic burden?
Are you sure?
Do you tempt the reality?
Do you sense the wonder?..........?..........the magic?........
Do you speak to the shadows?
Or, is it your choice to secure?
Is It a matter of necessity?
Or, simply a pallid melodrama played out upon a sterile plane
Truths--Species Extinction? (Us)
Truths--World Without Art
Art Of Listening -- Resonance, Reflection
Southern Abstract Artist
Contemporary Abstract Expressionist--Feral Expressionism
Environmental Abstraction--Reflectionism