Tom McNease Contemporary Art

Art And Contemporary Perception

Home | Course? | Presentation | New | Definition? | Dialogue | Fineness | Agit | Light Shards | Oasis | Stream | Logical Abstraction | Progression? | Art - Survival - Service | Art -- Stimulus - Response | Evolving Perspective | Light Abstract | Art And Dimension | Art Recycled | Art As Ultimate Dialogue | The Fine Experiment | Children Of The Sun | ImageSpeak | Systematics | The Irrelevant | Inherency | Light Flow | Exigency | New Developments In Art | New Studies In Abstraction | Black And White | Transcension | Fractionalization | Neotericism - New Art, Concept, Myth (S) | Metamorphosis | Temporality | Crossings | ShadowPlane - Abstract Art | Seeing | Creative Streams | CS II - Studies | Fine Art? | Art - Artifact | 2011 - New Studies | Color - Chaos - Concept | Symbiosis - Art And Mutualism | Studies | Source - Resource | Art - Energy | Paint Works | Reconstructing | Paint Sculpture | New Art -- Technique And Process | The Arts -- Upon The Winds Of Change? | Chaos As Percept --Art And Resonant Conception | Universality - Contemporary Art As Helix | Gifts Of Prometheus -- Art, Myth, Dissolution | Idea - Nature -- New Art - New Myth | Art And Urgency | New Horizons -- Redefining Art | Shattered Image - Fractured Dreams | Nature - Perspective - Non Objective Art | Art - Nature - Kayaking | Art - Life - Lifestyle | Art - Moment - Event | Blink -- Art And Instant | Across And Into | Art And Contemporary Perception | Abstract Studies | The Arts -- Free To All | Why? | Hurricane | Art And Relevancy | Catalyst -- Concept - Creation | Art - Light - Life | Feral Sensibility | Art And Chaos | Beyond Plane | Beyond Colour | Beyond Concept | Primordia | Current Image -- Present Myth | Necessity Of Art | Resonance -- Perspective -- Realization | Simple Things | Perception - Vision - The Unseen - The Unknown | Natural Forms -- Celebration - Illumination | Silent Perspectives -- Art And Environment | Image -- Icon -- Idea | A Single Tree (Earth Day, April 22) | McNease, Contemporary Abstract Artist | Songs Without Words | Post Contemporary, Art Of The Future | Art And Evolution | Art Is Dead? Evolve Or Perish | Art And Internet - New Horizons | Conceptual Art - Natural Imperatives | Conceptual Artist (Page II) | Neo-Abstraction - Empirical Notions | Lyrical Abstraction? Neo Expressionism? Natural Logic? | Environmental Abstraction - Reflectionism | Southern Art - Environmental Artist | Abstract Expressionism -- Icon And Myth | Contemporary Abstract Art -- A Natural Following Of Events | Southern Artist -- Shotgun Art | Louisiana Abstract Artist Tom McNease | Abstract Painting -- Creative Evolution | Southern Abstract Artist -- McNease | Painting On Glass -- Studies In Abstraction | Abstract Artist -- Art, Nature, Logic, Wonder | Contemporary Abstract Expressionism -- Enviro-Expressionism | Art And Nature | Contemporary Expressionist -- Eco Expressionism | Contemporary Abstract Expressionist -- Feral Expressionism | Abstract Art -- Non Objective Painting? | Neo Expressionism -- The Feral Image | Contemporary Art -- New Image | Contemporary Abstraction -- Paint Transfers, Studies | Contemporary Painting -- Abstraction | Contemporary Abstract Painting -- On Board | Contemporary Louisiana Artist -- Portfolio | Southern Artist Review -- McNease | New Art Review -- Art And Process | New Techniques In Art -- Abstract Studies | Non Objective Art -- Abstract Form, Color, Tone | Louisiana Artist -- Gallery | Abstract Art -- AMORPHS | Non Representational Art (AMORPHS II) | Contemporary Art Gallery -- Painting, Constructions, Paint Transfers, Burns | Paint Transfers | Paint On Glass -- Paint Transfers -- Recent Studies | Painting -- Behind Glass | Mixed Media -- Abstraction | Mixed Media Assemblage -- Constructions | Contemporary Mixed Media Artist -- Galleries | Mixed Media Abstract Art -- Collage, Paint Transfer | Contemporary Photography -- Gallery | Contemporary Art And Word | Contemporary Myth And Art | Art And Process -- Concept - Wonder | Feral Abstraction -- Environmental Diatribe | Abstract Expressionist | Contemporary Artist -- Environmental Expressionism | Southern Expressionism | Contemporary Southern Artist | Art And Idea -- Unknowns Becoming Known | Art And Juxtaposition -- Natural Perspectives | Art Of Listening -- Resonance, Reflection | Art -- Medium -- Mind -- The Freedom To Create | Intuitive Artist -- Source And Dialogue | Contemporary Abstractionist | Contemporary Art, Energy, Nature | Conceptualism -- Metaphor, Myth, Reality | Truths -- Art, Function, Responsibility | Truths -- Species Extinction? (Us) | Truths -- World Without Art | Contemporary Image -- Nature's Gift | Nature's Consciousness | Lyrical Expressionism | Lyricism? Expressionism? Kineticism? | Kinetic Abstraction -- Ecstatic Dance | Art And Installation -- Idea, Concept, Mind | 2011 - Thematic Variations - Studies - Set I | Set II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | Set VIII | Set IX | Contact

January, 2009

The Urgency Of Human Imperative
To Give Back More Than Received

july5_55_01.jpg- Progression?
Recent Study - 2014-7

p6080049.jpg- Abstract Studies
Recent Studies - 2013-6

Perceived And Influenced By The Identity Of Extraordinary Idea
The Ecstatic Wonder Of The Deeply Felt

Stop Global Warming

p6080104.jpg- Art As Ultimate Dialogue
Recent Study - 2013-6

ap1_63_01.jpg- Beyond Plane
Recent Study - 2014-4

                                          But Perceived

Stop Rampant Consumerism

july5_3_01.jpg- Art Recycled
Recycled Art - 2014-7

p3140016.jpg- Current Image - Present Myth
Recent Study - 2012-3

Dark Components                   

Stop Killing One Another

ap1_40_01.jpg-Conceptual Art-Natural Imperatives
Recent Study - 2014-4

Stepping Across
Leaving The Light
Embracing Extreme Horizons
Embracing The Inevitable

Stop Polluting Our Earth, Water, Air

p4145809.jpg- New Horizons - Redefining Art
Recent Studies - 2011-4

Universality - Contemporary Art As Helix

p6090019.jpg- Art As Ultimate Dialogue
Recent Study - 2013-6

july5_29_01.jpg- Image - Icon - Idea
Recent Study = 2014-7

Light(Universes Of)                                 
                            A Far Greater Reality
                                    Nature And Consciousness  

Stop Destruction Of Rain Forest
(And All Other Natural Systems)

july5_48_01.jpg-Contemporary Myth And Art
Recent Study - 2014-7

Is It Light That Is The Shadow Of The Unseen?

Stop This Human Population Explosion

20110913_27.jpg- Perception - Vision - Unknown
Recent Study - 2011-9

Within Every Cell
--The Energy Of The Universe(S)--

Stop Death From Hunger

p7060071.jpg- Contemporary Abstract Painting
Recent Study - 2012-7

Just Because We Have Evolved A Certain Way Doesn't "Mean" That We Cannot Alter Our Present Course And Pursue Alternate, More Meaningful And Productive Directions
(Follow Nature)

Stop Human Induced Species Extinction

p1090042.jpg- Light Flow- The Painted Plane
Recent Study - 2013-1

p9020042.jpg- Art And Juxtaposition
Recent Study - 2012-9

Human Perception, Obviously, Can Often Be Incorrect
Natural Perception Is Pure, Concise, Correct

Stop Preventable Disease

p7060148.jpg-Studies- Non Representational Artist
Recent Study - 2012-7

p3140062.jpg- Art And Evolution
Recent Study - 2012-3

Key Is Out There Beyond Sight......Therein, True Enlightenment Which Will Serve Our Species Well
Consciousness Beckons -- But Will We Listen?

Stop Wetlands Destruction

20110911_41.jpg- Necessity Of Art
Recent Study - 2011-9

Light -- A Very Narrow World Of Events And Experiences Connected Inextricably To Something Visually Unfathomable Yet Readily Perceived By The Whisper Of Universal Resonance

Stop The Melting Of Earth's Critical Ice

p7041226.jpg-Abstract Art - Non Objective Painting



"I Have A Dream"

And so let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire.


Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York.

Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania.

Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado.

Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California.

But not only that:

Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia.

Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee.

Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi.

From every mountainside, let freedom ring.

And when this happens, when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:

                Free at last! Free at last!

                Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!

Stop Repression Of Freedom
Of Mind
Of Idea
Of Thought
Of Belief
Of All

20111019_66.jpg- Art And Relevancy
Recent Study - 2011-10

Much More At Web Site II -

p1090075.jpg- Metamorphosis - Art In Flux
Recent Study - 2013-1

Art Of This Century And More At Web Site II

10x16 Inch Minimum Size


Care For This Planet
This Earth

More at